Child Safeguarding

TCIS Child Safeguarding

Welcome to Thai-Chinese International School (TCIS), where every child's safety is our top priority!

At TCIS, we believe that every child deserves to feel safe and protected from harm. As part of our school community, we understand the importance of our role in ensuring the well-being of our students. That's why we're dedicated to embedding safeguarding policies, procedures, and guidelines into every aspect of our school's operations.

From recruitment and hiring to community training and education, we prioritize safeguarding in all our systems and procedures. We regularly assess risks associated with school-sponsored activities and trips and continuously review and improve our safeguarding program to ensure it meets the highest standards.

But our commitment goes beyond just policies and procedures. We take a child-centered approach, always keeping the best interests of our students at heart. We make sure every child knows their rights as a TCIS student and has someone they can trust to confide in.

Our approach is guided by principles from TCIS Board Policy, Thai Law, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), reflecting our dedication to international standards of child protection.

Every member of our faculty and staff is actively involved in implementing and ensuring student safety. We have designated individuals who lead the way in maintaining best practices and serving as ambassadors for safeguarding in our community.

But safeguarding works best when everyone is involved. We encourage our students, parents, and partners to educate themselves about safeguarding issues and to speak up if they notice anything concerning. Your vigilance and involvement are crucial in creating the safest possible environment for our students.

We invite each and every member of our community to join us in our commitment to safeguarding. Together, we can ensure that TCIS remains a place where every child feels safe, supported, and valued.

Dear TCIS Community,

At the TCIS, where we're dedicated to nurturing every student's personal and cultural growth, fostering active engagement with the world, and empowering them to chart their own paths with confidence. Central to this commitment is our unwavering focus on ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of each and every student who walks through our doors.

Safeguarding at TCIS isn't just a policy or a program—it's a cornerstone of our ethos. We believe in creating a compassionate, vigilant, and protective environment where awareness, knowledge, and empowerment regarding children's rights thrive within our school community. Every member of our team, from the Head of School to our dedicated teachers and staff, shares in the responsibility of keeping our students safe.

At TCIS, we uphold the belief that every child deserves protection from all forms of harm, fair and respectful treatment, and decisions made in their best interests. These principles are deeply rooted in international agreements like the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and are reinforced by Thailand's national laws, including the Child Protection Act (2003) and Ministry of Education policies.

In alignment with our commitment and guided by our Child Safeguarding Policy, TCIS implements best practices in preventing and responding to safeguarding concerns within our community. This includes collaboration with local authorities when necessary, underscoring our dedication to making safeguarding a top priority.

Our ongoing efforts to strengthen safeguarding practices at TCIS include:

  • Clearly defining roles and responsibilities for our Designated Child Safeguarding Leads and Coordinator.

  • Implementing rigorous recruitment and hiring procedures for all employees, interns, and volunteers.

  • Providing a comprehensive student protection curriculum tailored to different age groups.

  • Conducting regular risk management exercises to minimize potential hazards.

  • Ensuring secure documentation procedures in response to safeguarding incidents.

  • Offering a confidential reporting channel for individuals to safely voice concerns.

  • Conducting annual evaluations and self-audits to continuously enhance our safeguarding initiatives.

Just as it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a collective effort from parents, teachers, staff, and peers to cultivate a school culture where safety and well-being are paramount. Thank you for your invaluable contribution to building such a nurturing community at TCIS.

Kind Regards,

Ms.Penporn (Rung) Kaewmark

School Director

Child Safeguarding Lead

Child Safeguarding Policy 2024-2025

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